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The serial killer's bunny slippers

by Stworek

On tonight's A-Team, Murdock has an old friend who's a serial killer. But his friend has a big problem. A rival serial killer is trying to drive the friend out of business. The... rozwiń

by Stworek

On tonight's A-Team, Murdock has an old friend who's a serial killer. But his friend has a big problem. A rival serial killer is trying to drive the friend out of business. The rival has already raped his friend's step - mother, and tried to steal a bunny slippers.

The rest of the team arrives to help. Hannibal, is tremendously attracted to the pretty girl who works with the serial killer, but she prefers B.A.. To further complicate matters the team is being chased by a Big Black Homosexual Cop .

The A-Team has a fight with the men of the rival serial killer. B.A. says, ''Jedna babcia drugiej babci napluła do kapci''. Murdock throws two guys through a window. Hannibal gets a black eye and B.A. doesn't even break a sweat.

But the A-Team is captured when the rival's boss, Burcyk, shows up with twelve guys carrying uzis. The A-Team is locked in a White House. Hannibal says, ''Szfak''. Hannibal comes up with a plan. They build an armored ornitopter out of sprockets and odds 'n ends.

The A-Team escapes and goes into Burcyk's territory, guns a-blazing. ''All I wanted was meet Alice, and that bunny slippers was the key.'' complains Burcyk, as the A-Team leaves him tied up for a Big Black Homosexual Cop .

''Bakemono...'' says Murdock.


(chcecie sami spróbować? link na dole :D)

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17 lat temu



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